Hip Gig Stretch

Friday, November 2, 2012

Bedazzled Card


It has been WAY too long since my last post! I have lots of projects to share with you. I am going to start with my most recent one.

After a long, chilly Monday, I came home to an exciting piece of mail. I LOVE getting mail! Especially when it is not a bill ;) I opened the envelope to find that a dear friend, who lives far away, was asking me to be in her wedding. Totally made my day!
I decided that since I had enjoyed getting a fun piece of mail, I wanted her to experience the same joy.

I began brainstorming. GLITTER! was the first thought that came to my head, but when I looked through my supplies, I realized that I was, sadly, out of glitter. I did however, have some sequins...

So, I got out my sequins, hot glue gun and a 4.25"x5.5" light blue flat card with scalloped edges and headed to my trusty computer. On the back of the card, the first thing I wanted my friend to see was the simple word 'yes'. I chose a traditional serif font, Georgia. I wrote 'yes' in all lowercase, bold, size 150 and then printed it on a 4.25"x5.5" piece of computer paper.
 Once I had my 'yes' printed, I taped it to the top of my flat card to hold the paper in place while I trace. I would suggest that if you are going to write a note, that you do it before you start gluing.
Next, I carefully traced the outline of the 'yes' with a sharpie. I started with the fine point sharpie, as pictured, but that was not affective. So, I switch to a regular, old, felt tipped traditional sized sharpie. 
The point of using a sharpie is so that it will bleed through leaving a guide to what your letters look like.
 I decided to go back over the outline with my fin point sharpie in order to have a more distinct outline.

 After my outline was complete, I began planning out how I wanted my sequins to be. I laid them out so that there would be a variety of colors and sizes.
 Once you have a plan, you can begin glue. I used my hot glue gun. I found that it was easiest to glue one or two sequins at a time. Any more than that and you run the risk of the glue being hard and not sticky.
 Here is the finished product!
Here it is going into the envelope. I added a few sequins to the envelope for a little extra sparkle and festiveness.
I was very pleased with how this project turned out. I think that it would be fun to 'yay' or 'love'  or 'baby' for other occasions. The possibilities are endless! It is ideal to keep the word short for two reasons. First, it takes awhile to glue down all of those sequins. Second, it could get too busy with a long word, different colors, and different sized sequins.

Hope you enjoy this post. Make it your own.


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